AIHA University Live Online PDC: Planning for Confined Space Rescue Using the National Incident Management System and Incident Command and Air Monitoring

Course Description:
The course will provide participants with both general and specific considerations that should be employed to evaluate permit required confined spaces, in particular those which contain special or unique hazards. The course will review previous incidents which resulted in fatalities or severe injury, describing and emphasizing the need for of a comprehensive confined space entry and rescue plan. Illustration and discussion of lessons learned, pre-planning pitfalls, and the role of the IH within the National Incident Management System (NIMS) structure. New, more contemporary, and old school approaches will be discussed to compare and contrast among these methods. Subsequently, participants will be broken into small working groups and given a specific confined space scenario that will contain unique rescue hazards. Participants will utilize collective collaboration techniques, practice how to correctly evaluate spaces, and develop a confined space entry and rescue plan. The exercise will then require that a rescue plan be developed and reviewed by the participants. Afternoon demonstration with direct reading instruments will be provided for a number of instruments.

Learning Objectives:
After this online PDC, participants will be able to:
  • Develop an understanding of unique, and hard-to-evaluate confined space hazards.
  • Review and evaluate incidents in which CS rescue was a significant issue.
  • Design a confined space entry and rescue plan, with attention to the rescues.
  • Identify the role of the IH in CSE planning.
  • Discuss the CSE plans developed and the confined space rescue issues identified.
  • Discuss the CSE risks, the rescue equipment and training needed for a successful rescue.
  • Use a confined space rescue simulator.
Contact Hours: 7.5

Presentation Date: 8/28/2024

  • Robert Henderson, MBA

**This live event will be administered in our LMS through zoom meeting. Please view our FAQ for additional information.**