Fundamentals of Toxicology Online Course

Course Description:
This introductory-level course reviews toxicology fundamentals through the lens of occupational and environmental health and safety (OEHS) and includes examples and a detailed, interactive case study to expand on course concepts. This course will help learners feel more comfortable with key topics in toxicology so they can apply these newly gained skills to occupational health issues in their workplace, their developing consulting practice, or to their upcoming CIH Exam.

As an additional resource to learners, this course also includes the AIHA PDF publication Toxicology Principles for the Industrial Hygienist, 2nd edition.

Course topics include:

  • A review of acute and chronic toxicity,
  • Dose-response relationships in occupational exposures,
  • Basic toxicity mechanisms,
  • Key occupational toxicants,
  • Derivation of occupational exposure limits.

Course Outline:

  • Module 1 Introduction to Toxicology
    • Lesson 1: Toxicology Concepts
    • Lesson 2: Types of Toxicology Studies
  • Module 2 Toxicokinetics and Toxicodynamics
    • Lesson 1: Toxicokinetics
    • Lesson 2: Toxicodynamics
  • Module 3 Derivation of OELs
    • Lesson 1: Derivation of OELs
    • Lesson 2: Variation in OELs
  • Module 4 Emergency Response Toxicology
    • Lesson 1: Emergency Response Toxicology for the IH

Course Objectives:
Upon completion, the learner will be able to:
  • Describe the fundamental topics of occupational toxicology.
  • Utilize resources to deduce and reason the exposure pathways of toxicants.
  • Apply toxicology principles to evaluate an occupational toxicant.
  • Recognize key risk information.
  • Identify appropriate IH sampling to ensure workers' health and safety.
  • Determine the fundamental topics needed for the toxicology portion of the BGC CIH exam.
Contact Hours:

Learning Level:

Intended Audience:
Young IH professionals or new IH practitioners interested in toxicology's role in industrial hygiene practice.

Course Authors:
  • Nadia Moore, PhD, DABT, ATS, ERT, CIH
  • Britt Weldon, PhD
  • David G. Dodge, DABT, CIH
  • Angie Perez, PhD, CIH