Navigating Metrics for Workplace Safety and Health Webinar Recording

Course Description:
This webinar provides background and information on the updates included in the AIHA 2023 Industrial Hygiene Performance Metrics (IHPM), second edition, publication. The use, and potential misuse, of metrics will be discussed, including ethical considerations and challenges presented by artificial intelligence to develop an occupational and environmental health and safety (OEHS) management system. Examples from application in the field will be reviewed.

Learning Objectives:
After this webinar, participants will be able to:
  • Discuss the application of metrics to measure progress in an OEHS program to management.
  • Interpret the potential ethical challenges of the use of metrics.
  • Assess which metrics may be used in the analysis of cause and effect for leading, lagging, and impact indicators.
  • Identify the key updates made to this publication.
  • Compare and contrast the metrics used by other organizations.
Contact Hours: 2

Presentation Date: 7/10/2024

  • Alan Leibowitz, CIH, CSP, FAIHA
  • Celia Booth, MA, CIH, CSP, ARM
  • Scott Lawson, MS, CSP

Note: The registration pricing listed below is for the webinar and Industrial Hygiene Performance Metrics, 2nd edition PDF. Registration for only the webinar is also available.