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Evaluating the Patient Environment as a Targeted Bioaerosol Surveillance in Health Care (AIHce EXP 2023 OnDemand)

Course Description:
Recorded at AIHce EXP 2023

This presentation will outline bioaerosol surveillance in the healthcare environment, from the perspective of an in-house hospital IH and an IH healthcare consultant. Topics covered include: 1) when/where to sample for bioaerosols, 2) how to select the proper media and instrumentation, 3) the proper sampling procedure, 4) lab analysis, 5) important microbial species in the healthcare environment, 6) interpreting sampling results, 7) differentiating between the various accrediting bodies in healthcare, and 8) developing a sampling program for healthcare areas. There will also be a case study presented that encompasses these topics.

Learning Outcomes:
Upon completion of the session, the participant will be able to:

• Summarize the principles of sample collection of airborne bioaerosols.
• Define situations where bioaerosol sampling is appropriate vs when it is not.
• Prepare samples for analysis of collected biological agents using incubation.
• Summarize the principles of sample analysis of agar used for bioaerosols collection.
• Conduct analysis of a sample for bioaerosols.
• Create a typical sampling train for bioaerosols.
• Collect all applicable calibration, sampling, and analytical data using data forms.
• Determine room conditions that may influence bioaerosol sampling results.

Contact Hours:

Presentation Date:

Laura Riley, PhD, CIH
Suzanne Blevins, BS, SM(ASCP)
Cynthia Ellwood, PhD, CIH, FAIHA