Research Roundup Sampling and Analysis 2 (AIHce EXP 2023 OnDemand)

Course Description:
Recorded at AIHce EXP 2023

Development of High-Volume Personal Aerosol Samplers

The tendency for decreasing a series of occupational exposure limit values is seen in the last years. Especially metal species are linked to a larger health effect in the latest toxicological assessments. These changes imply further reductions of the limits of quantification for both the sampling and analysis methods. The personal aerosol sampling methods (as a set of sampler, filter and pump) are currently developed for the respirable and inhalable dust fraction at a high airflow of 20 l/min. This also enables shorter sampling times than a full shift, e.g. task- based exposure assessment.

H. Sakowsky, Institut für Arbeitsschutz, Sankt Augustin, Germany
K. Vossen, Institut für Arbeitsschutz, Sankt Augustin, Germany
D. Misiulia, Institute of Particle Process Engineering, Technical University of Kaiserslautern, Kaiserslautern, Germany
R. Beisser, Institut für Arbeitsschutz, Sankt Augustin, Germany
T. von der Heyden, Institut für Arbeitsschutz, Sankt Augustin, Germany
D. Breuer, Institut für Arbeitsschutz, Sankt Augustin, Germany

Acknowledgements & References

Carsten Moehlmann, Institut fuer Arbeitsschutz (Institute for Occupational Safety and Health) Sankt Augustin

Performance Evaluation of a Beta Gauge on Continuous Mode

Beta attenuation monitors (BAM) are widely used for particulate matter monitoring. The BAM calculates the total particle mass on the filter based on the transmission of beta particles. The simple design and low cost make ambient air quality monitoring easier. There are two types of BAM depending on the operation mode: (a) periodic mode and (b) continuous mode. The periodic type has a lower detection limit but a longer response time. The detection limit of commercial periodic type BAM is about 1 to 2 µg/m3 and the response time is usually about 1 hour. On the contrary, the continuous type BAM has a shorter response time and higher detection limit. However, the Air Quality Guideline level for PM2.5 had dropped to 5 μg/m3 by WHO. A faster and lower detection limit of the BAM is needed to fulfill the requirements of ambient PM2.5 monitoring in the future.

The response time and the detection limit are affected by the algorism and the deviation of beta particle counting. However, the energy of beta particles is a continuous distribution, and the number of beta particle emissions is not stable. This results in a higher deviation in the beta particle counting. Although data smoothing is used to remove the noise from the data, the real-time readings in seconds are still not available. Hence, the present beta gauge needs to be improved to meet PM monitoring requirements.

Q.X. Li, S.H. Yang, C.W. Lin, S.H. Huang, C.C. Chen

Acknowledgements & References

Qi-Xiang Li, Institute of Environmental and Occupational Health Science, National Taiwan University Taipei, Taipei

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Presentation Date:

Martin Harper, PhD, CIH, FAIHA
Carsten Moehlmann
Qi-Xiang Li