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Navigating CFM, CADR, and Other Specifications for Air Purification Systems (AIHce EXP 2023 OnDemand)

Course Description:
Recorded at AIHce EXP 2023

Portable air purification machines are a proven method for treating indoor air from organic and inorganic hazardous particles. Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) awareness has been heightened dramatically due to COVID risks, increased wildfire frequency, and impending requirements. This demand has led to the launch of new products that are: a) omitting specifications, b) obfuscating performance, and/or c) using unproven air treatment methods. Deciphering whether or not a product truly meets the needs for a remediation project, healthcare space, or commercial workspace can be difficult. In this presentation, we will discuss: 1) the scientific evidence behind the specifications that are most important to consider when implementing effective solutions; 2) how a machine's air flow performance (cubic feet per meters, CFM) is based upon the HEPA filter, the motor, and the overall system; and 3) what it means when the machine's clean air delivery rate (CADR) differs from the CFM. Learn how to navigate the smoke and mirrors, and get down to what specifications really matter when selecting a solution, and why.

Learning Outcomes:
Upon completion of the session, the participant will be able to:

• Assess published specifications of air purification machines.
• Select appropriate air purification equipment to meet the needs.
• Identify questions to ask potential suppliers of air purification equipment.

Contact Hours:

Presentation Date:

Jeff Abramson