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Addressing Mental Health and Suicide Prevention in the Construction Industry (AIHce EXP 2023 OnDemand)

Course Description:
Recorded at AIHce EXP 2023

Construction worker suicide rates are five times higher than fatality rates from a construction related work injuries. Construction workers account for 19-20% of all suicides among U.S. working men. Multiple cultural and work organizational factors contribute to these high rates of mental distress, depression, substance use, and suicide. These include hard physical labor, long working hours, high injury rates, and traditional masculine cultural norms that inhibit help-seeking. Construction work is also cyclical, seasonal, and sporadic. This precarious employment places additional stress on workers and their families. This session will: 1) present research on construction industry specific risk factors associated with poor mental health; 2) provide examples of ways to raise awareness, reduce stigma, address mental health, and prevent suicide; and 3) describe collaborative efforts between contractors, unions, OSHA, and academics to identify evidence-based interventions to prevent suicides.

Learning Outcomes:
Upon completion of the session, the participant will be able to:

• Identify mental health and suicide risk factors in the construction industry.
• Describe approaches to improving mental health and reducing suicide risk.
• Recognize factors leading to successful mental health interventions.
• Discuss barriers to intervention in the construction industry.

Contact Hours:

Presentation Date:

Diane Rohlman
Peggy Peterson