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Re-Evaluating Occupational Health and Safety in a Post-Pandemic World (AIHce EXP 2022 OnDemand)

Course Description:
Recorded at AIHce EXP 2022

As we enter a post-pandemic environment, occupational health and safety professionals must reflect back and strive to learn the lessons of the past two years. The workplace of 2022 is far different from the workplace of 2019. Some changes were forced by the pandemic, and some were simply accelerated by the need to ensure worker safety by any means necessary. This education session will discuss how to: 1) modernize our approach to environmental and occupational health and safety in a post-pandemic environment to meet the needs all workers; 2) evaluate the occupational health hazards your company faces; 3) use your EHS dollars more effectively; 4) transition from a reactive OH approach to a proactive, predictive approach; and 5) present data in a clear, concise format to leverages corporate willingness to keep safe and productive workplace. The goal is to learn the steps needed to enhance employee health, reduce the likelihood of injuries, and reduce the dollars lost to injuries and downtime. Each of these steps builds a healthier and more resilient workforce that is more resistant to the health threats that may be emerging tomorrow.

Learning Outcomes:
Upon completion of the session, the participant will be able to:

• Use reliable workplace information to create an informed perspective on the EHS/OHS threats to in-person and remote employees.
• Analyze data to understand and prioritize a company's H&S issues.
• Assess the OH tools to prevent, mitigate and treat the workplace S&H hazards.
• Present an accessible, comprehensive, and nontechnical risk analysis to a company.
• Implement solutions that address the identified H&S issues to enhance the safety and well-being of their peers.

Contact Hours:

Presentation Date:

Dean Frieders, JD