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Results of a NIOSH Health Hazard Evaluation of Styrene Exposures During Cured-in-Place Pipe Liner Preparation and Installation Using Hot Water and Steam Curing Techniques (AIHce EXP 2022 OnDemand)

Course Description:
Recorded at AIHce EXP 2022

Cured-in-place pipe (CIPP) is a trenchless pipe repair technology that typically uses styrene-resin impregnated liners cured with steam, hot water, or ultra-violet (UV) light to restore underground pipes without excavation. This technology exposes workers and the public to complex process emissions composed of particles and volatile organic compounds during and after curing. In 2019, NIOSH received a management request for a Health Hazard Evaluation at CIPP installation sites using hot water and steam curing techniques and at a liner preparation (wet-out) facility. The goals of this investigation were to: a) characterize exposures and emissions from CIPP installations and liner preparation; b) determine the emission rates of various process materials; and c) provide recommendations to protect the health of the workers. Based on the findings of this Health Hazard Evaluation, this education session will cover the following: 1) CIPP process overview, 2) exposures during water- and steam-cured installations, 3) exposures during CIPP liner wet-out facility operations.

Learning Outcomes:
Upon completion of the session, the participant will be able to:

• Describe the hazards associated with occupational exposure to cured-in-place pipe.
• Explain the adverse health outcomes workers may experience as a result of occupational exposure.
• Utilize the provided examples of worker exposures as a template for future evaluations.
• Implement control methods to reduce inhalation exposures.
• Differentiate between the various methods of installing cured-in-place-pipe.

Contact Hours:

Presentation Date:

Dru Burns, MS
Ryan LeBouf, CIH