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Science and Power of Stories Affects Risk Perceptions (AIHce EXP 2022 OnDemand)

Course Description:
Recorded at AIHce EXP 2022

We all love stories! Yet we fail to use them to their fullest in our safety/risk communications. The science of narrative and stories brings light to how they work and are especially powerful in affecting risk perceptions. Stories and narratives are more powerful than data and info. We often wonder why people make decisions based on anecdotes. Yet, when we look at the literature on them and decisions, many strengths come to life when viewed through a scientific lens. In this session, we will relate and reveal much of the scientific research. This will help attendees better understand why their people pay more attention to narratives over data and info. Using narratives we'll learn: 1) how story and identification with a character enhances our connection to risks; 2)emotional content has a strong effect on us and our behaviors; 3) why stories are more memorable than straight info; 4) how to use stories more effectively to communicate risk; 5) what are the many of the elements needed for a great story; and 6) much, much more. Come, learn, and have fun!

Learning Outcomes:
Upon completion of the session, the participant will be able to:

  • Explain how stories help us bond, relate, identify, contextualize information and make sense of our world.
  • Describe the various elements that make stories such a powerful communication tool.
  • Enhance their storytelling skills, knowledge, and attitudes.
Contact Hours:

Presentation Date:

Angela Dartt, PhD, CIH
Jonathan Klane, M.S.Ed., CIH, CSP