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Fundamentals of OEHS Management Metrics (AIHce EXP 2022 OnDemand)

Course Description:
Recorded at AIHce EXP 2022

Use of appropriate metrics is an essential tool for all OEHS professionals. This session will discuss the selection, use and communication of tools to measure the performance of OEHS systems. Performance measures are defined as the actionable metrics that an organization can use to assess their actions or programs in relation to their goals. These metrics generally serve to either assist in providing strategic direction or to assess a particular process or procedure. While metrics are often used to determine progress toward established goals, they can also be used in decision making, problem solving and process optimization. Performance measurement can be used as a continual improvement tool for your program. Performance measures are indicators that: 1) qualitatively assess the status of your IH program (e.g., self-evaluation of progress, employee and public perception surveys); 2) Quantitatively track the presence and effectiveness of controls (e.g., ventilation rates, PPE use, etc.); and 3) Quantitatively show your program is effective and efficient (e.g., injury/illness incident rates, lost workday cases, due to occupational injuries/illnesses, exposure monitoring).

Learning Outcomes:
Upon completion of the session, the participant will be able to:

• Perform a risk analysis to determine what processes or potential exposures (internal or external) could result in harm.
• Select risks most likely to occur or those with the greatest potential impact through the use of a metric.
• Choose metrics that measure effects that are potentially causative of the issue of concern and not just correlated.
• Establish a schedule for collection of data, calculation of metrics and review of changes.
• Identify data sources that are consistent and reliable.
• Create control boundaries which determine the points where deviations require corrective actions.

Contact Hours:

Presentation Date:

Eltaneice Bolden, MS, CIH
Alan Leibowitz, CIH, CSP, FAIHA
R. Scott Lawson, CSP