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The Multi-Cultural Workforce: Challenges and Solutions for Occupational & Environmental Professionals Webinar Recording

Course Description:
The average workplace is composed of workers from many different cultural and socio-economic backgrounds. While legal norms exist to prevent discrimination in the workplace, in real life employers may not understand their obligations to protect the health and safety of workers, nor have the expertise to do so.
This webinar explores these issues in the context of OEH Scientists’ professional ability to understand complex changes in the workforce due to global economic shifts, migration, racism, discrimination against women, and other historic injustices. The presenters will unravel these complex national and international issues and provide suggestions for the OEHS profession and its allies to enhance the health safety of workers.

Learning Objectives:
Upon completion, participants will be able to:

  • Learn how and why having insight into the multi-cultural workforce will enhance your ability to protect the health and safety of workers.
  • Analyze through specific examples some major attributes of multi-cultural workforces, including workers and employers which have zero experience with IH/safety professionals.
  • Identify some work processes (for example, in the long-term care, salon, and construction industries) in which occupational diseases are preventable through OEHS interventions.
  • Discuss cultural nuances to health and safety behaviors in the workplace.
Contact Hours: 1

Live Presentation Date: Thursday, October 21, 2021

Teni Adewumi-Gunn, PH.D.
Laurence Svirchev, MA, CIH
Steven Verpaele, MS