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IP for IH—Instructional Practices for Industrial Hygienists Webinar Recording

Course Description:
Do you need help improving your occupational health and safety training program?

Many industrial hygienists are required to design, develop, and deliver health and safety training. However, they haven’t had the opportunity to learn how people process information, develop skills, and later apply those skills and information. Even with this knowledge, how do you best design training to match?

In this webinar, you’ll get a brief introduction of the “information processing” model of human cognition and learn specific evidence-based techniques for creating training that people remember, leads to changed behaviors, and results in desired outcomes.

We’ll also provide a 60-page Effective EHS Training Guide, which supplements the ANSI/ASSP Z490.1 EHS training standard.

Learning Objectives:
Upon completion, participants will be able to:

  • Explain a four-step model for how people process, remember and apply knowledge and skills
  • Describe the steps of the ADDIE instructional development model
  • Identify a common “learning myth”
  • List and outline several evidence-based training practices

Contact Hours:

Presentation Date:

Jeff Dalto
Dr. Morgan Bliss, CIH, CSP