Sources of Error and Variability in Particulate Matter Sensor Network Measurements (AIHce EXP 2021 OnDemand)

Course Description:
Recorded at AIHce EXP 2021

This session will be the first of a, hopefully, recurring education session series highlighting the work of the Swift Award for Best Paper awarded by the Aerosol Technology Committee. The use of sensors is becoming increasingly prevalent in IH research and practice with sensors available for particulate matter (PM), noise, and a variety of gas-phase hazards. This session will focus on how sensors can be used: 1) to compare concentrations between locations; 2) to produce a time series of concentrations at a single location; 3) as a personal monitor; and 4) to evaluate spatial and temporal variability in hazard concentrations using a network of sensors. The presentations will describe: a) the precision and accuracy of PM sensors; b) changes in calibration over time; c) sensor response altered by PM chemical composition; and d) calibration strategies to ensure robust data collection.

Upon completion of the session, the participant will be able to:

  • Demonstrate the value of low-cost sensors for IH research and practice.
  • Identify sensors for different applications given sensor limitations.
  • Show ways low-cost sensors can be used.
  • Determine how sensors should be calibrated in the field. • Interpret the data collected through networks of sensors.

Contact Hours:

Presentation Date:

Dr. Kirsten Koehler
Prof. Thomas Peters, Ph.D., CIH